Photographer, in Budapest with Beer!
Robert N Photographer
I have had a strong interest in photography since I won a contest for a Minolta film camera in the 1980s. A career in medical equipment sales and as a physical therapist left me little time to pursue other hobbies but I continued to make images when I traveled. I also discovered disc dog events with my dog Stella.
With newfound freedom in retirement, I have enjoyed, some say obsessively, making photographs and competing in Disc Dog events with my new dog Skylar.
I strive to make technically correct photography, with a consistent style. I am passionate about aiming to tell a story through photography often with some humor. I look forward to continuing to improve as a photographer. My photographs were made in Missouri, Colorado, Utah, Kansas, Nevada, Italy, France, and everywhere I've been! As a photographer.
I have sold images to Commerce Bank, at the Green Door Gallery, exhibited at the St. Charles Community College, Green Door Gallery, St. Louis Community College at Meramec and at Forest Park campuses, at The Gallery at the Library in Herman, Missouri, and recently was selected to exhibit at the International Photography Hall of Fame in their Black and White Exhibit. I have been asked to provide images for a solo exhibit at the Kirkwood Arts Center of 12 images. I have been published in the Webster Groves Neighbors Magazine and the Evergreen Colorado Chamber of Commerce Magazine 2024.
Recently, I have been in juried art fairs including the Shaw Neighborhood Art Fair.
I am a member of the St. Louis Camera Club. I am a founding member of the St. Louis Disc Dog Club.
Nearly 2000 more images available for sale: Click Here
Artworks are available in many styles and sizes—wall decor including Metal, Acrylic, and Canvas. Even cards and stationery! There are gifts for the home such as throw pillows/covers, tapestries, duvet covers, shower curtains, fleece blankets, and beach and bath towels. One-of-a-kind personal and fashion items include tote bags, phone cases, t-shirts and sweatshirts, mugs, yoga mats, and spiral notebooks.